for an unreleased free download and lots of musical goodies

Is it really February already?! It felt like just yesterday that I was tucking into my Vegan Roast with all the trimmings and wanting to hit the Christmas sales with a vengeance (which I obviously did, much to the grievance of my bank account).

But I guess it looks like 2014 is here to stay and I went straight into the studio at the beginning of January with -isq so I didn’t even get a chance to savour all my perfectly made New Year resolutions! It was, as always, a wonderfully creative experience to record with the band and the studio couldn’t have been more perfect. Rimshot Productions is a wonderful, high-quality recording studio in the Kent countryside and Mike, the owner and Sound Engineer, is amazing. His girlfriend even baked us home-made cookies so I cannot recommend it enough. Take a little look at our video diary of the album recording, warts and all.

Richard and I are going through the recordings at the moment and everything is sounding lush. An edgier/rockier sound than the previous album, I cannot wait to have the finished copy in my hand! If you would like a little preview of what it sounds like, please come down to the Forge Music And Arts Venue on Wednesday 19th February to hear -isq play music off our debut album, a few tracks from the forthcoming release and a couple of covers thrown in for good measure! (BUY TICKETS HERE). In collaboration with the ever lovely music agency Sound Generation, it promises to be a great night, so do come down if you can.

On another note, I am still plugging away at my solo album, writing/recording and producing it. You might even hear me play keyboard and thumb piano on it. Don’t say you haven’t been warned…I don’t really know what the finished result is going to sound like but it consists of quirky pop tunes, electro-beats and vocal harmony bonanza. I mean, how can that ever go wrong!

And just in case you didn’t know, my sister Barbara Serra has written a book called “Gli Italiani Non Sono Pigri” (Garzanti), that literally translates into “Italians arent’t lazy”.  It’s an intelligent and funny book that discusses the socio-economic differences between Northern and Southern Europe and how these differences have effected the current political situation and living standards and aspirations of the Italians in general. The book has even been nominated for the Caccuri Literary Awards in Italy. (The Serra) Sisters really are doing it for themselves!

February promises to be a hectic month of music and travels and March is when we should be shooting a new -isq video for the single off the second album so the next update should be full of musical sneak peaks and behind the scenes footage. And I think that’s it for now!

Over and out,

Ire x
